Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Monday, January 30, 2006

what shall we do?

I thought that I would dig into the archives for some photos today. When I first met Henry, he did not like to have his picture taken.

This is the first picture taken of Henry from my side of the family when introducing him to my brother Mike, and sister-in-law, Jane.

I soon learned that after he'd had a few...well, he didn't seem to care about the camera!

He soon learned that he wouldn't be able to hide forever from my side of the family and our itchy camera fingers.

We will miss his infectious smile this week, as he is out of town working...

Of course, I'll be able to get more done at my computer now, read in bed, stay up late, be in charge of the TV remote control, make pancakes and grilled cheese for supper everynight, sleep in the middle of the bed on my back (and if I snore, I won't receive any jabs in the ribs ~ I never believe him when he does this anyway ~ women don't snore, they just moan loudly!), I'll be Bailey's favorite for a whole week, and I won't have to save him any hot water for a shower.

In spite of the upsides mentioned above, I will miss him.

This is Henry with sister-in-law, Jane.

You realize that the wide smile and dark hair were BC (before children)!

Now that I think about it, we certainly don't go out to parties with tuxes and limos anymore either! What's up with that?

It's only been two hours (and he even phoned home to talk to Michael and Jenny before they left for school ~ and to remind me to pick up his blocker at the sporting goods store where it was being repaired!)

but, sigh, I miss him already...really, I DO!


megan said...

I don't know Gillian but it seems to me that marriage has agreed with the both of you. You are both way better looking then that top picture. It sure does suck being a product of the 80's. We had no sense of fashion what so ever. By the way, nice matching white pants on you guys.

Gillian said...

Seems like yesterday when those pictures were taken!

Hard to believe almost 20 years have gone by...