Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Monday, January 16, 2006


It is hard to change routines. I didn't think it would really be that difficult to add a couple of courses to my already full day. I am taking five courses this term (what was I thinking?) in order to finish the library technician program in the Spring. I want to do my two field placements and be done before the summer in order to accomodate the family vacation. (It's funny how everything revolves around the family first...even though it is important that I return to work in the near future).

I had a routine established for last term and it encorporated volunteer hours at the school library. I thought it would be easy to just switch the library hours to my extra courses. Not so easy, I'm finding.

My final courses of the program deviate from the library material that I am used to (that is why I took them last, because they are offered by the College every semester). My courses this term include:

Organizational Business Communications (this course scares me, as I have to do video presentations and send them in for marking!)

Computer courses (Word, Access, and Excel):

My last library course is Multimedia, which comes in the form of a printed module (not very pretty to look at so I did not take a picture!) and online exercises and assignments.

Not only is it difficult to sit at the computer all day (three courses are computer related), but one course (the business one) seems to be beyond my mental grasp at the moment. Perhaps it's just the change from predominately library courses to business and computers that I find throws confusion into the mix...perhaps it is knowing that there isn't a whole lot of room for misspent time. (I know...I know...this is the most difficult part for me ~ especially at the computer!). I am comparing this to pregnancy...the lack of sleep and need to pee in the middle of the night prepare you for when the baby comes. This need for a work routine will prepare me for, well, WORK!

However, now that the homework stress is kicking in, I threatened my family yesterday within an inch of their lives that they will live in a pit if they don't step it up and help out more with picking up after themselves. Bailey, is as usual, by my side (when Henry is not home), and sharing my daily routine every step of the way:

As usual, in one ear...

Calgon, take me away (wait a minute...I don't have time for a bath!) Shower, it is...

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