Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

bone (bracelet) of contention...

Every child pushes boundaries...whether it be with food, clothes, tantrums, or 'going for the Oscar'.

My friend and fellow blogger, Megan, is going through this with her daughter and her desire to wear only yoga style pants to school. Megan is boldly pushing her way through this issue and standing firm.

I, too, am dealing with a bone of contention with our daughter Jenny. It is actually a bracelet that Jenny purchased at some fru fru store. She absolutely loves it and can not believe that I will not let her wear it to school. She claims that I have no sense of humor. Well, so be it...she still isn't going out the door with it on. (I have 'mother eyes in the back of my head' caught her a few times trying to sneak out the door with it).

This is for all mothers out really are not alone, even though you might feel as if you are!

At the moment, Michael is the only one in my house that is talking to me. Lack of work is keeping Henry at home this week (it better be JUST this week, Bill). Henry thinks nothing of my routine and constantly wants to chase me around the house (which I know is a good thing), but really...I have other things to do!

Bill, you have to find this man some work...AND SOON! (I heard he's going to Windsor on Wednesday...that's a good start!)


Anonymous said...

do you let him catch you when he chases?

Gillian said...

not today...hence why he isn't speaking to me!

Carrie said...

Gillian... Megan did indeed send some rum cakes my way last night and can I just tell you that they lasted all of ten minutes after I got home from the gym. I had one and Chad had the other and it took us no time at all to polish them off. YUM! And thank you so much! PS... I left you a message on my blog on Dec 28th... there's still time to play along. :)

Gillian said...

I'm glad you said something, Carrie, as I missed reading your blog that week when we were away in Toronto for Michael's hockey. I will consider myself tagged and put it on the blog tomorrow!
Thanks (I think)