Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Thursday, October 06, 2005

a well-rounded day (for me)

The laundry never ends; there are always dishes to be done; and floors to vacuum. Once I figured out a way to tackle all these tasks, I put into motion my plan to do everything I enjoy! On my list: run, read, have a friend over for coffee, catch up on last week’s taped Survivor, play Roller Coaster Tycoon, and finish my homework.

It was such a nice day…I had to get out and enjoy it…so off I went for a 5 K run. I’m trying to speed up my pace (to be able to keep up with Megan and Tammy!), so I changed up my routine to a split (1:2) [one minute of increased pace: two minutes fast walking or ‘resting’]. Actually worked really well; even shaved off some of my time! I guess it’s good to change the old routine once in a while. Thank goodness for beautiful fall weather/scenery, MP3 players, good running shoes and a hat! I know I’ve had a good run when I return home smelling just as bad as Henry, Michael and Jenny do after hockey practice!

I figured I might as well vacuum since I was already sweating…I ended up flying around the house doing chores with my MP3 player until mid-afternoon!

I spent 45 minutes reading my newly purchased book, Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon. (Yes, I had to buy it…the waiting length to borrow at the library was long enough for Diana to write and publish another book). This series, I started reading from the library and read them all one after the other within a few months. Of course, having this luxury, I wanted immediate gratification and waited with baited breath for Breath of Snow to arrive! I let out said breath, as it took four years until its release last week.

My friend, Shelley, came over for coffee around 3:00.
She is a pharmacy technician and is under much duress of just having relocated to a new bigger brighter store. Great for consumers (especially as it is within walking distance for me), but it will take the staff awhile to find what they need in this new store design (with some new staff to add confusion to the mix).

I quickly watched Survivor and Apprentice taped from last week, not great…but, hey, Amazing Race is by far exceeding viewing expectations as usual!

Didn’t have time for Roller Coaster Tycoon. Maybe another day…

Homework is fairly light today, just a couple of hours this afternoon, and one this evening. My blog assignment (due October 16), I sent in yesterday and already received 100%. Yay! Henry says I’m such a browner…What can I say? Unlike my friend Megan, I do enjoy school. Sure, it is stressful at times…but, hey, that’s life! Go run in the country!

1 comment:

Gillian said...

p.s Karin, I forgot to tell you at the arena this morning that I like the hair cut! It was so cute watching Tyler try to keep up with the 'big kids' at powerskating! [This morning marked the halfway point of the powerskating session, so the instructors Penny and Boo, bring donuts for all the children.] Tyler had no problem inhaling his donut at the same speed as the older chldren!
Don't worry, Penny...I'll get photos another time for a future blog!!!
Have a great day, everyone!