Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I am scared of pre-teen girls and the havoc they WILL cause (there is no doubt in my mind) if Jenny’s birthday wake-over comes to fruition.

I have put it off thus far, claiming calendar-scheduling difficulties (which there are). However, Jenny and Henry are suspecting something and are becoming more persistent.

I will confess…I am sabotaging this event because I am scared. I know there will be a category 5 hurricane ripping through this house with 12 pre-teen girls doing their best to be the loudest, the jumpiest, and the funniest.

I will need three clear days in which to plan, buy food for, bake cake, do treat bags, move furniture (to provide room for 12 non-sleeping bodies), host party, and two days of quiet rest for me to recover from the chaos.
I need a plan to thwart those other well meaning (or is it retaliation?) Moms that send brightly colored make-up and nail polish for birthday gifts. You see, folks, we are now beyond the loud toy stage (wait a minute…maybe not! Just last night, Michael said he was saving up for drums!!!! I should have agreed to the X-box purchase).

My fear now is when Jenny spends more than ten minutes in the bathroom.

“Jenny, are you OK?”


When the voice I hear is just on the other side of the door, and not over by the toilet, I tell her to let me in right away.

She proudly shows me her newly painted blue toenails.

I honestly try to keep the smile on my face, as I notice blue on the floor, on the yellow bath mat, on the counter, and on the bath towel.

It is this that I think of when she wants other girls to come over for extended periods of time.

I wonder how I can sabotage tonight’s task of picking a date and doing the invitations?

Henry is very gung-ho about creating this special night for his little girl…he is soooo blind. On the bright side…maybe they can give him a makeover? (I am perking up)

Maybe I’ll leave him in charge? No…then I’ll have more of a mess to clean up afterwards~!

I feel a headache coming on…

1 comment:

Gillian said...

I like the scrapbooking idea, Lisa!
I'll have to take a look around to see what I can find.

Jenny is 11 too...maybe your daughter and Jenny could be penpals?

Now you have me thinking...
