Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Friday, October 21, 2005


As usual, there were many parts to my day yesterday.

The uneventful morning started out with a power skating session with Penny and Boo (yes, I finally told them to stay still so I could capture them on camera!) Poor Penny did not have a voice, due to her horrible cold, but between the two of them, still managed to get all the children skating in the proper direction!

Michael goes so fast at powerskating, he dives and rolls across the finish lines. He ends up wearing half the ice!

The next part of my day, made me step back and put things in perspective. I read my friend Megan’s blog (see link) and laughed at her musings of her daughter, Audrey, and the 4 minute trip down the road in the new van playing unfair ‘I Spy’ and reciting ‘Knock, Knock’ jokes.

Well, I went upstairs and into the bathroom. I suddenly noticed dark blue spots on the Fawcett and sink. Is this sounding a tad familiar? No, it wasn’t Jenny and her blue nail polish again. I became CSI Mom and traced the trail to…the scene of the crime…Michael’s room!

You see, putting things in perspective, we have advanced from the four-year-old curiosity to the twelve year old ‘let’s experiment with…’ stage! In this case, Michael wanted to know what would happen when taking apart a ballpoint pen. It seems very clear to everyone in this household that ink is indeed ‘permanent’! I have to get my CSI kit and Q-tips out in order to dispose of the evidence. Question for all of you putting it in perspective (i.e. those that have older children that have already gone through this phase of life) right now:

How do I get this ink stain out of the carpet?????

Yes, folks, this is the time to comment on my blog…I want advice here.

The latter part of the day meant sitting in an arena watching ice practice, waiting for it to end so that I could meet up with my brother, Colin (he swung by the arena for a beer) and go to the airport to pick up my Dad.

Dad arrived a little early (woohoo), so we went to Harvey’s for a late bite before Colin drove Dad home. Michael gave up after an hour and went into the van to sleep. We talked and caught up on all the family and vacation news until after 10 p.m.!

That’s ok…PD day today…Jenny is still sleeping!


Anonymous said...

My Expert says to try:

- rubbing alcohol
- oxyclean (blue bottle)
- hair spray
- baking soda paste (water)

just have Henry remove it with a razor knife, then buy you a new rug ......

Gillian said...

Although I like option number the long run, it will probably be more physically demanding and stressfull moving all that furniture!

I had better try option number 1 first...I'll let you know which one works!

Anonymous said...

I usually go with another option. Does not require dangerous knives or powerful cleaning solutions. I just move a peice of furniture over the offending spot and rearrange all the rest to look like you planned it that way.