Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wakeover + Halloween = recovery period

Jenny's Birthday/Halloween Party= Wakeover

Lots of girls singing Karaoke, playing Hide and Seek, wheeling across the kitchen in wheelie shoes, playing Truth or Dare, watching movies, playing fooze ball, playing air hockey, and eating anything not nailed down; this was the wakeover that I survived.

Alyx's Mom, Kerri, stayed for a drink before she headed home to Lambeth!

Henry and Michael, the dirty rotten scoundrels, left me alone with this mob and went to visit Michael's godparents. Thank you, godfather Don, for giving Henry ONE set of ear plugs to return home with. Needless to say, Henry had a really good night's sleep. Needless to say, I 'knew' that some of the girls went to sleep around midnight in the guest room. Those that fell asleep on the couches downstairs, woke up with eyeliner mustaches (courtesy of those that stayed awake). Before I went to bed, I noticed the can of shaving cream on the bathroom counter...I hid it. I was still awake to hear my daughter complain that she couldn't find the shaving cream. Whew...

I was still awake at 3:30 to hear Jenny and two others come up to her room. Eventually, my body and mind caved in to the need for sleep.

However, it did hear some of the girls wake up just before 7 A.M. to continue their fooze ball tournament.

The girls were more than willing to pack away the French Toast for breakfast. They continued their game of hide and seek until their parents arrived to pick them up.

Then we were off to London for Michael's hockey. (They won 4 - 2 ~ see Chiefs blog for details).

After the game, Jenny, Henry and Bailey took advantage of the sunny warmth of the patio to have a picnic and a nap. (Don't ask me why Henry needed more sleep...however, once prone, Henry falls asleep on anywhere). Forgive for sounding just a LITTLE bitter about the sleep issue.

Halloween rolls around. I am deeply resentful that my children are so independent this year that they went trick or treating WITHOUT me. Words cannot explain the HURT. I am THE trick or treating MOM. We carry knapsacks (for dumping the excess candy). We carry water for sustenance. We carry mits to go that extra few miles for that extra pound of candy that I willingly carry for my children. This year they did it without me. I am proud of Michael though, he made up a strategic map (hit up prime 'give out huge amounts of candy' houses first, come home; dump; head out again) and did not return home until 8:30. The haul was one rectangle laundry basket full.

I had no sympathy for Jenny when she realized (going over to a friends for dinner and trick or treating) that her candy haul MAY NOT be what it could by going out with her MOM. Too bad, so sad. Henry just does not understand the need for gathering as much candy as possible on this awesome night! He even makes the children hold back from leaving the house until 6:00! You can tell he is a country boy and has no concept of how city trick or treating is to be done.

However, I am forgiving my children as they are sharing their candy haul with me and I am currently in the midst of a sugar rush.


megan said...

Are you nutts?????

Gillian said...

Oh, you just wait, Megan!

Your time will come soon enough with two young girls in the house.

Take notes, my dear friend, and learn from my mistakes...