Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

superstitious feelings

Remember that 1982 Harlequin song, Superstitious Feelings? It has been playing in my head for two days now.

Could it have anything to do with the immediate deletion of those sappy emails stating bad luck will befall you if you don't forward said email on to 20 of your best friends? I am beginning to wonder.

Not usually a superstitious person, I am cautiously wondering what universal figure we have upset to cause our family so many comedy of errors lately.

I won't even go into the miriad of 'minor problems' that our family is recovering from this past week. Just to give you a sample, though...Jenny put her little guinea pig into one of her flexible guessed it..."Mom, I think Speedy is stuck". I would post a picture (yes, I did take one), but I still haven't had the time to load my Canon camera software onto the computer yet. I have three college assignments that I am behind in and need to complete by Thursday. Then I have to work on assignments that are due next week. I am just taking a short break to post to the blog.

You see, it is these types of unforseen dilemma's (that, along with my computer virus) that have been consuming my time this week. And you all wonder why I haven't been posting to the blogs (yes, I do the Chiefs' one too)!!

As Megan posted on her blog this week; at least toss this girl a bone, and comment so that I know my hour spent posting to the blog each day is actually worth it. I know that people follow it (check out the site meter at the bottom). You just have to let me know that you appreciate it!

After all, just like you, I have upteen other things to do during the day. The kicker with my list is that it is jinxed and takes me twice as long!

Superstitious feelings (hum hum)....


megan said...

It takes you an hour to post your blog? I give it 8 minutes tops. You are way over thinking this thing.

Gillian said...

I think it has something to do with dial-up and waiting for my pictures to upload!