Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

what can I say?

Last week was a flurry of activity:

Thursday: found out that my interview was successful. So much so that I start work (full-time) in one week! Yikes! After being at home for about thirteen years, there will be some changes happening in our household (some, maybe not so pleasant!) I will probably be a bear (what else is new?) with trying to do my courses and working full-time, while attempting single-parent-hood as Henry is working out of town each week.

Friday: PA Day (time spent in snow, Henry returned home from Windsor)

Weekend: Hockey, hockey, and more hockey (Henry is playing again after his 'delicate' injury)!

Monday: Mortgage appointments at upteen banks (oh yes, another snow day for Michael and Jenny...therefore, road hockey, snowboarding, making cinnamon buns etc)

Tuesday: homework, homework, and more homework for me! Looks as if the Chiefs will be playing Sun County in the second round. What does this mean, you ask? It means the weather (i.e. roads) better be good, as we have at least two trips to make to Windsor over the next couple of weeks!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new job, Henry will be HAPPY.
He has been itching to retire & do the hockey thing full time.
I can help him make this happen. Let me know......
On a more serious note, Will says he's a pretty good cook.

Gillian said...

They should know...they took my new electric fry pan with them to Windsor! In 1996, my previous electric fry pan was hurtled across 401 lanes and run over after Henry and Will were in a horrific car accident on the 401 near Toronto. This is NOT going to happen again...IS IT, BOYS???

(All joking aside...I am very glad that they walked away from that wreckage...)Deb and I are very lucky to still have these cats (I know for sure that Henry is on life number 7 or 8!) around!