Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I am currently trying to provide my favorite songs/video in my blog sidebar (similar to fellow blogger, Carrie).

I have added the link and the Windows media player seems to appear and run the video for me (with some normal buffering 'time-outs' at the beginning of the video). I just need input from those that read the blog (yes, even those of you that normally don't comment ~ here's your chance)

Carrie, I may need some help here. How do you post a picture (i.e. album cover) to the sidebar?
How do you get the music and video to start immediately...and where do you get your clips from? If you don't have my email, Megan will set you up!

Please comment, everyone, to let me know if the video works for you or not (my brother's computer at work prevented it from opening due to filters)

You know me...always wanting to try new things (especially when it comes to music)!

Thanks, everyone!


Anonymous said...

I too love 1985! From the moment I first heard it and to this day it causes me to turn the radio up to some level that my kids shouldn't be hearing it at. Its gotten to the point that James and Emily now turn it up because they know I like it.

I watched all the videos and, hats off to you, they performed perfectly from my computer.

I took a bit of time to catch up on the blog and I just want to thank my lucky stars that my Emily doesn't mind wearing anything that fits. High five to Shelley as we seem to be the lucky ones!

Jim L.

Gillian said...


Thanks, Jim!

I will change the videos each month or so. I'm so glad to learn that they worked for others. Of course, I think readers might need Windows Media Player, but most do have this.

Thanks again, for taking the time to comment!

Carrie said...

Hmmm. The video isn't coming up for me, although I have popups blocked - is it a popup? You can embed the video right on your homepage if you want (the way I do it). I get my code from From time to time they go down, but they are generally pretty reliable. There's a section of code they provide and you copy and paste it right into your Template... as for the album covers, I admit, I copy the picture files from a site like Amazon!! Let me know if you need anything else.

Carrie said...

Ah, it's working now if I enable popups. :)