Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Monday, September 26, 2005

An Eeyore kind of day

Today is an Eeyore kind of day. Dark clouds and stormy interludes are both outside and inside on this gloomy Monday morning.

Normally, I am a positive, ‘look on the bright side’ kind of person. However, once the ball starts rolling downhill, it seems impossible to stop the momentum.

It all started with my favorite ‘bed and breakfast’ shirt that I paid way too much for on our trip to New York State in the summer. Because of what I paid, I was very careful and treated the shirt lovingly. You can imagine my shock and horror to find little (but noticeable) rust spots on my shirt from the tub of the washing machine. Now, this tub had been replaced almost five years ago for the same problem…I was not impressed.

Yesterday, I was to finish and send in my first Information Work III assignment. No problem, I thought…assignment was done, results printed out. However, I had to figure out how to ‘save’ the results in order to send the information through email. My print copy needed to be sent electronically. Here comes Eeyore…Mohawk database site was not accessible for the most part of yesterday. Quick thinker that I am, I accessed what I needed through my public library site. However, I could not figure out why…that page I needed would not save or copy into an email. (Moan, groan) I ended up sending in my assignment at 6:00 without the results. At 10:00 (interrupting my prime time TV viewing pleasure) Mohawk opened up and everything was good again.

Until…going upstairs to bed, I decided to check on the drier. Michael had put his load of laundry (yes, my children do their own laundry!) in the drier before going to bed…at 9:30. The drier should not have been on at 11:00. Sure enough (Eeyore again), there was no heat to the drier cycle. Henry (while giving me the expectant eye rolling) asked me if I had removed the lint from the filter. Thankfully (I am getting much better at this task) I replied in the affirmative. Now the eye rolling took on a slightly hooded look, which means that Henry will be spending time and money taking apart and fixing the drier as soon as he comes home from work Monday. I suppose I can laugh about it now, but Henry was not a happy camper when he reached up to turn the drier knob, and knocked over the opened bottle of Downey. The blue goo spilled all over the washing machine (although it does smell nice). We looked at each other, turned the lights off in the laundry room and went to bed without saying another word about the menaces in the laundry room.

Michael, anticipating clean dry clothes for school this morning, leaped out of bed and went directly to the laundry room. I had to break the bad news. In his infinite twelve-year-old wisdom, he decided to use the hairdryer to dry his socks. A few minutes later, he asks why the hairdryer isn’t working anymore. It seems he blew the motor. We unanimously decided that we would NOT tell Dad in the immediate future.

The laundry is overflowing out of the closet and over laundry baskets…and it is raining today (there goes hanging the laundry on the line outside). The house is a mess, and does not seem to be looking any better the more I clean it….homework is piling up to my eyeballs...Eeyore, I’m with you buddy.
I need to drag my ribboned tail upstairs and make coffee. Truth be told…I am scared to touch the coffee maker and any other appliance in this house today. Time to prioritize my ‘to do list’ for today and hunker down.

Of course, (moan) I have already typed up this post once and tried to include pictures. Not only did my pictures go somewhere into CYBERSPACE, I also ‘lost’ my whole write-up!

There are days when you wish you could just stay in bed with the covers over your head…today is one of them.



Anonymous said...

there must be a dryer virus on our street...mine started last night making ominous and loud creaking noises

megan said...

Hi Gillian
I just went to yur blog to see if you hadgotten around to doing another post. I was quite surprised to find out how busy you have been. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Tell Michael to use the microwave for drying his socks, & underwear. It's awsome, unless there is a "brownout"......

Anonymous said...

Clothes piled up, dishes needed to be done. I thought I was the only one in that boat!

No more Eeyore! Get back to your old self!
