Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Sunday, September 25, 2005

an afternoon to myself afternoon to myself!

Jenny's early morning practise went well. She might be a tad vendictive, though...Some boy didn't pass to her (after she passed to him), so she is already telling Dad that she can't wait until the teams are made. Our little darling hopes this boy is on the other team. She told Henry she can't wait for the body-checking to start! (Oh boy).

Michael's team lost to their nemesis, the London Junior Knights (darn that team) with a 3-2 score in the semi-finals this morning. So close. However, looking at the bright side, both Jenny and Michael can now attend a friend's birthday party this afternoon! They are doing the cake and ice cream thing and then going to Laser Quest. Michael and Jenny absolutely love that place! All partygoers seem to have a different plan of 'attack' this year, as they ran into 'cheaters' from another party last year. So they are gone for the afternoon...thank you, Joanna and Steve!

After just going for a walk with Henry and Bailey, Henry decided to go and watch his brother Rob play hockey. That should give me a good two hours minimum (three hours if another brother is there at the arena). My formula for adding an extra hour of time for every brother that is at the arena works incredibly well!

Although this time is nice and quiet...I have to finish this up in order to finish an assignment that is due tonight. And know looking forward to Season premiere night tonight for Extreme House Makeover, Desperate Housewives and Gray's Anatomy. Being the good girl that I am (and my children will grill me when they get home!), I have to complete my homework first! Michael and Jenny love the fact that I am in school and they can oversee my 'progress'.

On the roster for this coming week;

Monday: Jenny evening practise, Gillian class chat for Indexing.
Tuesday: Michael begins Youth Leadership Camp in London
Wednesday: Michael spends all day at Youth Leadership Camp in Dorchester with 5 other students from his school, Gillian to lunch with brother Mike (hopefully, I'll get to go for another ride in his truck ~ he drives for Challenger motor freight), Aylmer hockey practise.
Thursday: Powerskating, photo day at school, Off to Sarnia for a hockey game (Michael) p.s. Colin and Sue ~ will bring dog bowls that you left behind with your last visit!
Friday: ? Can it be? An empty day? Laundry and dishes will be piled high by this point!
Saturday: Hockey in London, then off to the Blue Jays Game (thanks to Karin)
Sunday: Hockey Practise (Jenny) Off to Windsor for Hockey (Michael)

Anyhow...enough procrastinating...time is ticking before the house becomes 'alive' again.

Until tomorrow.

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