Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

you know it's time to go to bed when...

I was sorting papers tonight as Henry was annoyingly channel surfing from Futurama to Blue Jays along with a myriad of other flashes of night-time TV nothingness. My annoyance and my sorting came to an abrupt halt as I heard the opening notes of one of my favorite cartoons; Pinky and the Brain. After so many years, Henry knew to leave it right there and put down the remote! Needless to say, we spent a wonderful half-hour chuckling.
For those of you not familiar with this procrastinative past-time of watching cartoons, let me tell you that no average schmuck produced this baby. Spielberg himself is the executive producer on this one. Pinky and the Brain is a Spin-off of Animaniacs, produced by Warner Brothers. Pinky and The Brain are lab mice. One is brilliant the other is a drooling idiot (the tall skinny one: his laugh cracks me up every single time). The plot isn't too complicated (otherwise, why would Henry and I watch it at 9:30 at night?): they do the same thing they do every night: try to take over the world. Unfortunately, they always sabotage their own wacky plans and have to try again the next night.

Works for me...

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