Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Values, Influences, and Peers is a grade six program that requires students to actively participate in the community by providing 10 hours of community service to learn about volunteering and helping others.

We went through this last year when Michael was in grade six and having to find 10 hours to fill.
In theory, it is a great idea. In practice, it bites because of "liability". At first, our neighborhood grocer wanted help collecting carts and packing groceries into old ladies car trunks, until he asked me what insurance would cover the children if they got run over by a shopping cart or a little old lady driving her car? Beats Me...time for Plan B.

Plan B...go see Uncle Gerry and help him with chores at the family farm!

Even Michael ventured out to join in with the work...

Did Jenny actually help? Or did she just play with the kittens and the dogs?

I'll take Uncle Gerry's word for it that she actually worked, as you wouldn't catch me in the barn mucking about with anything! Uncle Gerry said that Jenny was very gentle (apparently WAY too gentle) when 'priming' the cow for the milk machine. What does a guy (never mind a successful dairy farmer for decades) know about this sensitive part of the female anatomy? In my view, the cow probably wanted to kiss this little girl in gratitude. Good girl, Jenny!

I did venture in to take a few pictures, then I retreated to the house to do my homework and study for my upcoming exams.

Hard to believe that one homework assignment could bring about so many, "Mom, can we have a kitten...Uncle Gerry says it's okay; and he has lots" Thank you, Uncle Gerry. But NO.

Last week she saw a bunny rabbit that she felt would fit well into our family mix.
Apparently, she has forgotten about the bunny; this is the kitten she wants...

Going out to the farm is always a great experience for the children. Different types of work open their eyes to the "rest" of the world that is out there.

Thanks, Roefs family (you know who you are) for providing this experience yet again.

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