Currently in the midst of...

  • Michael = got braces this month and getting ready to start refrigeration apprenticeship
  • Jenny = school, and work, soccer and badminton
  • Gillian = work
  • Henry = busy with work

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Fun and games!

On the long weekend in August, we went camping with a group of friends/family that we haven't camped with before. We had a great time! Note Michael and Jenny (above) participating in a sack race. The fun part was that the adults had a turn after the children!

Then came the water balloons...the women seemed to gravitate towards Henry (payback perhaps?)

You know you're having fun when all the liqueur bottles come out, about a dozen adults get comfortable in a large circle, and the shot glasses get lined up on a tray! (We were so bamboozeled ~ literally ~ that we just roasted hot dogs over the campfire for supper that night)

We had a yummy afternoon/evening of polishing off the butterscotch~vanilla~mint chocolate Baileys~Godiva~and other various assortments of specialty bottles.

I bet our recycling guys were wishing they were at THAT particular party!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that I missed that party too!

Jim L

Gillian said...

You also know you're getting old when you start this drinking adventure at 3 in the afternoon so that you are done by mid-evening and can get to bed at a decent hour!

Anonymous said...

Henry told me he didn't drink. Apparently you are the "souse" in this family..........

Gillian said...

I am gaining ground after being the cheapest date in history for the past 15 years!!!!