The second time I went, I was better prepared. I took laundry baskets and I took Michael and Jenny. You see, there was a reason for taking Michael and Jenny with me. I shamelessly used them to go into the crates and get the really good veggie packages at the bottom of the crates that no one else could reach! They would lean over, I would grab them by their ankles, and they would call out what packages they could see and reach. I could have exploited them more by ‘loaning’ them out to the hundreds of others that wanted what was out of reach, but I didn’t. Now that I think about it, I probably could have paid for my veggies by capitalizing on my children’s labour! Ah well…live and learn.
Word of mouth shut this sale down a couple of years ago (hordes of laundry toting, wheelie garbage can, ready to buy veggie people lined up at the entrance, I think, scared the plant employees).
Well, it just so happens that MY neighbor works at this wondrous plant.
A couple of days ago, they gave Jenny an order sheet. Everything on this sheet was $5….A CASE!
Well, you know me…I have to have one of everything, especially if there is a good deal involved (they must have thought I was absolutely nuts!)
Henry confirmed that I was absolutely nuts when he carried frozen box after frozen box into the house from our next-door neighbors vehicle!
It then hit me….oh my god…where am I going to put all this????
Since the summer, I have diligently been using everything up in my deep freeze in order to defrost it before we ordered a pig or a cow. Well, we won’t be defrosting anytime soon, and we won’t be ordering a cow or pig unless Henry caves and buys another deep freeze!!!
We will be eating healthy for months to come. If anyone runs out of veggies, you know who to come to!
I’m sure everyone has a fairy of his or her own. My brother has a beer fairy (how nice is that?) in that his neighbor works for Labatts; my sister-in-law works at Bayer, so she was the vitamin and aspirin fairy; and my both my friend and niece work at Shoppers…
I am still tickled pink (maybe green?) that I have a veggie fairy that lives next door…
and Bill, before you even ask, “no”, she certainly DOES NOT look like this… (I just happen to like this fairy picture!)
okay, this is ridiculous...why have you not told me about this access to cheap veg given that
1. I told you about the factory sale when it was the thing
2. since I live across the street we share this neighbour
3. I am a vegetarian
I only know what comes down the pipes at that time! (order form was given and taken back within an hour on Wednesday...I did look across the road...but your van was not there ~ school night?
I have lots here. I am MORE than willing to share the fruits (I mean veggies)!!! I need some room in my freezer!
Other than that...I don't know the details. I thought neighbors mentioned giving an order form to one of your children...better check with Emily and James?
I will await your visit with the kettle on! Sunday late afternoon or evening is good for me...
Emily and James?? What great names for a neighbour to have!
Read my post, if your were good pioneer type wives you would cook and freeze your own veggies.
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