Michael and Jenny were home early from school yesterday due to early dismissal. I was at my computer doing my school work…OK; I was playing Roller Coaster Tycoon…when they burst through the door with their usual enthusiasm and ‘what’s for snack?’ question. I can’t believe they still ask this with Halloween candy overflowing the living room table!
Happily munching away, Michael asks if he can have a road hockey game. I say sure.
Not thinking any more about it, I go upstairs a short time later and see at least TEN boys on the road playing hockey.
I thought to myself, oh for the days to call up ten friends and have them drop everything to come over to visit! Michael even arranged for hockey nets to be dropped off and picked up. (He takes after his mother for social organization!) If you don't know why we don't have a net, you'll have to read further down the blog pages!
Henry arrived home from work and kept an eye on the game…I thought to myself, not too many years ago, he would have been in there like a dirty shirt! However, he knows he has to work this weekend and play hockey!
Roadhockey even includes little brothers! Word must be getting around about my blog…everyone EXPECTS me to take their picture. Much to Henry’s surprise, people actually want to be on my blog!!!
Of course, every game needs fans…hence Cookie, Speedy, Bailey and Henry had to line the sidelines!
It’s nice to see that Michael hasn’t lost his scoring touch!The boys gladly polished off the last of the Halloween cupcakes. I would never in a million years have thought to shove the iced cupcake into a child’s face, but apparently these types of thoughts occur quite frequently to the male gender, tempting Henry (an adult for pete’s sake) to squish the cupcake to poor Daniel’s
face. Why am I saying ‘poor’? This particular friend of Michael’s probably comes up with similar ideas on a regular basis! This is one of the times I thank God that there is another girl in the house to balance things out!
Watching the boys brought back alot of memories. When we lived in Kitchener, our street looked like this everyday after school until dark. Those readers from Kitchener can attest to this…
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