What have I done?
They say lead by example…well, maybe now I’m not so sure!
When I am in the kitchen making supper, I often look outside into the backyard to see Michael and Jenny jumping on the trampoline. They don’t just jump on the trampoline…they make up these games and play them while jumping.
Depending on who cut the grass last, the trampoline ‘visits’ different parts of the yard. If it is left near the house, I will hear balls or other objects being bounced off the house and caught mid-air on the trampoline. However, right now it is smack dab in the middle of the back-yard. Prime area for those in my family that have no fear of heights (i.e. Jenny).
I readily admit that most of the time I can not watch my daughter on the trampoline. Once she ‘perfects’ a move…I dutifully watch and applaud in amazement at my very nimble daughter. It is the route she takes in between that makes me gasp each time she jumps. I fully believe in warning about potential dangers and then letting children make up their minds before trying something…as long as the phone, the hospital card, the van, and the hospital are within a 5-minute transport!Don’t be misled that it is only Jenny that is the daredevil in this family (Henry’s genetics definitely dominant in this particular area). Michael and I do not take chances because we do not like to be in pain. However, the trampoline is one area where Michael pushes the boundaries. I often see them both in a tangle on the trampoline. Everyone in this family also knows after an injury that I will be the first one to say, “I told you so”, followed by Henry’s “I don’t feel a thing”.
However, I digress…
Looking out the kitchen window yesterday, I see Jenny on the trampoline. (Still not sure whether the helmet is a fashion statement or a safety feature?). I also see Michael zipping by me and out the front door with the camera (oh, oh) It seems he has it in his mind to capture his ‘daredevil’ sister for the blog. James Bond Jr. sneaks around the house and snaps many a frame of his sister throwing her new Halloween stuffie in the air and catching it on the trampoline (thank goodness for digital cameras and not wasting film processing fees). It did not take long for James Jr. to be caught. In my experience, children LOVE to be spies…however, they do not like to be spied upon (Jenny is usually the ‘visual’ spy in our household…Michael is the one they send in with the ‘ears’). Shrieks ensued for about fifteen minutes. You know, the old, “OK, OK, I won’t do it again…”
Finally, Jenny gave up trying to stop Michael from taking pictures. Instead, she decided to try another tactic…that of the ‘ham’. I did not know she could perform stunts like that on the trampoline.
Bailey sitting pretty for the spy who loves her...
Thank goodness by this time supper was ready, my blood pressure was elevated from trampoline and from the sibling stress, so I called everyone in before any damage was done (other than pictures and a story for the blog, of course!)
Not to be outdone, Jenny asked me last night if she could take the camera on her school field trip today to Dresden so she could post to the blog. What could I say? (Thinking lead by example)
Well, what I did say was “Yes, you can take the digital camera. However, you know that if you lose it, I will still love you…I just won’t like you very much for a few days!”
I think Henry has his fingers crossed.
I will wait until my camera is back in my arms at 3:30 this afternoon.
I am in withdrawal right now…
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